Vision casting exercises, organizational infrastructure evaluation, and long-range planning to define and achieve your company’s vision.


Techniques to improve client engagement, collaboration, and service levels in order to build client satisfaction and retention.


Intentional strategies for cultivating a positive and cohesive corporate culture; fostering an environment that aligns with your company’s values and goals, enhances employee engagement, and drives overall organizational success.


Enhancing workflows through cross-functional collaboration and teambuilding; streamlining processes for maximum efficiency.


Diversifying your business into new areas for sustained growth through vertical and horizontal integration.


Strategic planning for global business growth and partnership development.


Intentionally moving up the value chain by offering agency-related services, such as comprehensive support in face-to-face marketing activities, content development, program management, measurement, analysis, and additional creative services.


Deepening your understanding and awareness of the broad range of industry associations, roles, and areas of focus; increasing your presence and influence within the industry.


Innovative strategies to enhance your creative processes, organizational-level design thinking, and idea generation; building and nurturing diverse, high-performing creative teams.


Global Exhibitor offers a comprehensive suite of strategic consulting services designed to help small to medium-sized exhibit houses, agencies, service providers, and suppliers thrive on the global stage. Our seasoned international consultants provide expert guidance to ensure your business stands out in a competitive market. Our consultancy specializes in, but is not limited to, the following areas:

“CREATIVITY shouldn’t reside in only ONE department” – Jeff Hannah


Vision casting is a crucial element of corporate strategy, requiring the inclusive participation of the entire executive leadership team. The vision is the cornerstone of your organization, defining what the future looks like and where you are heading. A clear and compelling vision serves as a target, guiding all strategic planning and decision-making processes.

Global Exhibitor emphasizes the importance of crafting a vision that is not only well-defined but also shared across the company. This approach ensures that everyone, from the leadership team to the broader organization, sees and catches the vision. This shared understanding fosters a sense of purpose and direction, making it easier for everyone to understand why the vision is important, believe in it, and actively engage in achieving it.

We assist in the creation of long-range plans designed to reach your vision, breaking down the journey into actionable steps and milestones. As consultants, we provide guidance and input based on extensive experience, helping you navigate the complexities of strategic planning.

An essential aspect of achieving your vision is evaluating your corporate infrastructure. Global Exhibitor conducts objective assessments to determine whether your current setup supports both your vision and the growth that comes with it. Infrastructure changes can be daunting, often likened to changing the tires on a car while driving down the road. Such transformations require careful planning and execution to avoid disruption.

Global Exhibitor guides you through the process of making these critical changes, ensuring that your infrastructure evolves to meet new demands without compromising ongoing operations. With our support, your organization can confidently move towards its vision, equipped with the right strategies and structures to sustain growth and success.

Corporate culture can make or break a company. Every organization will have a culture, whether it is intentionally shaped or develops by default. A great culture can be the reason people want to work at your company, while a terrible culture can drive them away.

Global Exhibitor emphasizes the importance of being intentional about cultivating the culture you want, built on a foundation of common and shared values. This intentional approach ensures that the culture aligns with your company’s vision and goals, creating a cohesive and motivated workforce.

We believe that hiring people who fit your cultural profile is crucial in maintaining a positive culture. It’s not just about skills and experience; it’s about finding individuals who resonate with your company’s values and ethos.

Culture is more than something you talk about or post about—it’s the vibe of the company, the heartbeat, the unique way you work as an organization. Global Exhibitor provides strategies and guidance to help you define, develop, and nurture this culture. Our consultants bring a wealth of experience to the table, offering insights and actionable steps to create a thriving corporate environment.

We work with you to identify key cultural values, integrate them into your hiring practices, and embed them into everyday operations. Our objective evaluations and customized plans help you shape a culture that not only attracts top talent but also retains and engages your current team.

Global Exhibitor is committed to helping you build a corporate culture that drives success, fosters innovation, and enhances employee satisfaction. Together, we’ll create a vibrant workplace where everyone is aligned with your company’s mission and vision.

Expanding the array or suite of offerings provided to clients is a strategic approach to growing your business. It is a well-known fact that it costs much less money to “sell” your services to an existing client versus acquiring new clients. By offering additional services, you can capture a larger portion of the value chain and deepen your relationship with existing clients.

Strategic Approach

Global Exhibitor believes in taking a strategic approach to expanding service offerings. This involves identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas of particular specialization within your business. We work with you to assess these factors and use them as a platform to consider the development of new or additional service offerings.

Vertical and Horizontal Integration

Expansion of service offerings can be achieved through vertical integration, where you extend your capabilities within the same industry vertical, or through horizontal integration, where you diversify into related or complementary industries. We help you explore both options and determine the most suitable approach based on your business objectives and market opportunities.


In this process, we take into account various considerations, including:

  • Investment Costs: Assessing the financial resources required for developing and implementing new service offerings.
  • Marketing: Developing targeted marketing strategies to promote new service offerings and attract potential clients.
  • Opportunity Costs: Evaluating the potential trade-offs and opportunity costs associated with diversifying your business into new areas.
  • Employee Training: Ensuring that your workforce is adequately trained and prepared to deliver high-quality services across the expanded portfolio.


Diversifying your business into new areas through vertical and horizontal integration can help provide a more diversified and stable revenue stream. By leveraging your existing client base and expanding your service offerings, you can enhance client satisfaction, increase customer loyalty, and position your business for sustained growth and success.

Global Exhibitor will partner with you to identify opportunities for expanding your service offerings strategically. By assessing your strengths, weaknesses, and market dynamics, we help you develop and implement a tailored plan for diversifying your business and achieving long-term growth and profitability.

Intentionally moving up the value chain by offering agency-related services, such as comprehensive support in face-to-face marketing activities, content development, program management, measurement, analysis, and additional creative services. This strategic approach helps companies grow additional revenue and reposition themselves in the minds of their clients by becoming more “agency-like” in terms of strategy, content, creative, measurement, and other services.

By adopting an agency model, businesses can enhance their value proposition and deepen their client relationships. This transformation involves not only delivering exceptional effort but also taking responsibility for the outcomes. As a result, companies become indispensable partners to their clients, providing more valuable and impactful services that drive measurable results.

Key aspects of our Agency Services include:

  • Strategic Development: Crafting tailored strategies that align with client objectives and market dynamics.
  • Content Creation: Developing compelling content that resonates with target audiences and drives engagement.
  • Creative Services: Delivering innovative and effective creative solutions that enhance brand visibility and appeal.
  • Program Management: Efficiently managing marketing programs to ensure seamless execution and optimal results.
  • Measurement & Analysis: Implementing robust measurement frameworks to track performance, analyze data, and inform decision-making.

By integrating these agency-related services, businesses can elevate their service offerings, establish themselves as trusted advisors, and ultimately achieve greater success and sustainability in their client relationships.

Our Creative Development services focus on innovative strategies to enhance your creative processes, organizational-level design thinking, and idea generation, while also building and nurturing diverse, high-performing creative teams. It is crucial for companies in our sector to recognize that “design thinking” should drive how we operate. As we are viewed as valuable creative partners to our clients, we must adopt this mindset, especially in the business of designing and producing creative branded spaces, engagements, and brand activations.

To be truly successful, the design thinking approach cannot be confined to the “creative department” alone; it needs to permeate the entire company and way of operating. It’s woven into the fabric of our culture, driving every aspect of our work. This means constantly questioning existing processes and being open to continual change and improvement.

Key elements of our Creative Development services include:

  • Organizational Design Thinking: Embedding design thinking across all levels of the organization to foster innovation and problem-solving.
  • Enhanced Creative Processes: Developing strategies to streamline and enhance creative workflows, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Idea Generation: Facilitating robust idea generation sessions to continuously fuel innovation and creativity.
  • Team Building: Building and nurturing diverse, high-performing creative teams that bring varied perspectives and ideas.

Furthermore, the creative team should not be isolated, producing visuals on demand. Instead, they should be positioned to heavily influence key decisions and directions. Their role is pivotal to unlocking greater success with end clients, shaping the strategic vision and execution of projects. By empowering the creative team, we ensure that their insights and innovations drive the company’s growth and client satisfaction.

By adopting and integrating these creative development strategies, companies can enhance their value proposition, fostering a culture of continuous innovation and improvement, ultimately leading to greater success and stronger client relationships.

Customer service is a critical aspect of any successful business, directly influencing client satisfaction and retention. Techniques to improve client engagement, collaboration, and service levels are essential in building a loyal customer base. Global Exhibitor understands the importance of a comprehensive approach to customer service, recognizing that it extends beyond the front-line staff to every member of the organization.

Global Exhibitor emphasizes that everyone within a company is responsible for client service and satisfaction, whether they are client-facing or not. This holistic view ensures that the entire organization is aligned with the goal of delivering exceptional service.

Mistakes will inevitably happen, despite best efforts. What sets successful companies apart is their approach to handling these mistakes. Global Exhibitor provides strategies to manage errors effectively, turning potential setbacks into opportunities to strengthen client relationships. Our consultants offer guidance on best practices for addressing and resolving issues promptly and professionally, ensuring that clients feel valued and heard.

Empowering employees to resolve problems independently is another key aspect of our customer service enhancement strategy. By giving staff the tools and authority to handle issues without always escalating to higher management, companies can create a more responsive and efficient service environment. This empowerment not only boosts employee morale but also enhances the client experience by providing quicker and more satisfactory resolutions.

Global Exhibitor works with companies to develop and implement these customer service techniques, ensuring that every team member understands their role in client satisfaction. Through our comprehensive consulting services, we help organizations build a culture of exceptional service that drives long-term success and client loyalty.

We specialize in optimizing operations by fostering cross-functional collaboration and teambuilding, which are essential for enhancing workflows and streamlining processes to achieve maximum efficiency. It is vital for individuals within an organization to have exposure, cross-training, and a deep understanding of the roles and responsibilities across departments, rather than being confined to their own silos.

This cross-functional exposure enables employees to appreciate the diverse perspectives and expertise that each department brings to the table, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making and improved collaboration. By breaking down barriers and promoting a culture of mutual respect and understanding, companies can unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity.

Our Operations Optimization services encompass:

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing across departments to foster innovation and problem-solving.
  • Teambuilding Initiatives: Building cohesive and high-performing teams that can effectively work together towards common goals.
  • Process Improvement: Identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in workflows, and implementing strategies to streamline processes for improved efficiency and productivity.

Furthermore, providing employees with exposure to the broader scope of the company’s operations not only empowers them to make more informed decisions but also opens up new avenues for career development and growth. As individuals gain a deeper understanding of how their roles contribute to the overall success of the organization, they become more engaged and motivated in their work.

In essence, our approach to operations optimization goes beyond mere process improvement; it involves fostering a culture of collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptability, all of which are essential for driving sustainable growth and success in today’s dynamic business environment.

We specialize in guiding clients through the complex process of expanding their services globally. Our approach focuses on strategic planning, market positioning, team training, and building strong partnerships to ensure successful international expansion.

We help clients build a strategy for expanding their services globally, which includes identifying target industries, regions, countries, shows, and devising a roadmap for market entry and expansion. Our goal is to help our clients establish a strong foothold in their target markets and position themselves as top-of-mind providers for international services for their existing and potential clients.

Repositioning our clients in the global market is a key aspect of our International Expansion services. We refine their brand messaging and value proposition to resonate with international audiences, highlighting their unique strengths and capabilities. This increases their visibility and credibility on a global scale.

Preparing teams for the challenges of international projects is essential for success. We offer intensive training programs to equip teams with the knowledge and skills needed to approach, qualify, and deliver on international projects effectively. From cultural awareness to negotiation tactics, we ensure teams are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of working across borders.

Building a network of international exhibit houses and service partners is crucial for delivering on international projects. We leverage our extensive network and industry connections to help clients identify and forge partnerships with reputable organizations worldwide. Whether it’s logistics support, local expertise, or on-the-ground assistance, we connect clients with the right partners to ensure seamless execution and delivery of their services internationally.

Global Exhibitor empowers clients to expand their services globally with confidence and success. Through strategic planning, market repositioning, team training, and partner development, we provide the guidance and support they need to thrive in international markets and achieve their growth objectives.

Global Exhibitor understands the importance of industry exposure and representation for companies operating in the trade show and events industries globally. We help our clients gain a comprehensive understanding of the wide array of associations that serve these industries, enabling them to make informed decisions about their engagement and involvement.

Association Knowledge

It is crucial for companies to have a broad knowledge and understanding of the various associations that serve the trade show and events industries globally. These associations play a vital role in providing opportunities for networking, advocacy, education, certification, training, recruiting, charity, and more. We help our clients navigate this landscape by providing insights into the functions, benefits, and activities of these associations.

Engagement Opportunities

Understanding these associations enables companies to determine when, where, and how they should engage with them. Whether it’s through membership, serving in leadership roles, becoming board members, or advisors, we help our clients identify the most suitable opportunities for their involvement. This not only enhances their visibility and credibility within the industry but also opens doors for speaking engagements, writing opportunities, and thought leadership activities.

Services Offered

Our Industry Exposure & Representation services include:
  • Association Research: Conducting research to identify relevant associations and their functions.
  • Engagement Strategy: Developing a tailored strategy for engagement with associations based on client objectives and industry trends.
  • Leadership Development: Providing guidance on leadership roles within associations and opportunities for professional development.
  • Networking Support: Facilitating connections and networking opportunities within the industry to foster collaboration and growth.
  • Industry Exposure: Offering insights and guidance on how to maximize industry exposure through participation in industry events, conferences, and trade shows.

Global Exhibitor is committed to helping our clients maximize their industry exposure and representation. By providing insights into industry associations and facilitating strategic engagement opportunities, we empower companies to strengthen their presence, build valuable connections, and position themselves as leaders within the trade show and events industries.